Ken Holmes Teachings

Upcoming Zoom Programme

The Divine is in the Detail

Saturday 25th May and most Saturdays through 10th August (except first Saturday of each month).

An exploration of key abhidharma topics based on Mipham Rinpoche’s « Entering the Ways of the Wise ».


Voidness of Everything, Compassion for Everyone

Vajra & Bell, symbols of Compassion and Voidness

Saturdays 17th August through 9th November, 2024 (except first Saturday of each month).

This is a series of 10 teachings, first on sunyata (voidness) according to Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso’s « Graduated Training in Sunyata », then on compassion, according to Gampopa’s teachings and finally an explanation of the need for the union ofthese two qualities. Open to everyone.

These teachings are all offered free of charge.
To register for these courses and thereby receive important support documentation, please contact

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